Jennifer Lee Lin, Student
I am interested in interspecies collaboration because it is something very different and new for me. I am excited to experiment with different ways of approaching art. I have always been interested in working with animals as well. I only have had small pets like fish and parakeets, so I can't wait to work with different animals.


04/22/10 19:34:23 Project Ideas Week 2

04/22/10 19:56:22 week 3 (annoying beach flies)

04/22/10 20:01:23 week 4 (squirrels and more flies)

05/24/10 07:52:01 Week 4 (Lil Orphan Hammies)
  05/24/10 07:59:53 - dog and pig communication?
  06/07/10 09:28:54 - pigs as pets

05/24/10 08:10:41 Week 5 (Parrot Sanctuary and Project idea: ducks)

06/05/10 20:35:38 Santa Cruz Island field trip
  06/07/10 09:23:16 - resources to foxes

06/07/10 09:10:21 Week 6 & 7: Duck project update
  06/07/10 09:33:08 - Duck privacy?

06/07/10 09:38:20 Week 8-9: Duck project

06/07/10 09:51:18 Final project: PROXIMITY
  06/07/10 10:29:40 - little write up (mark linggi)

Reflection: Interspecies Communication
animal communicator Barbara Janelle

Comment on 'grizzlys and men' by jenleelin

Reflection: Interspecies Communication
Dolphin trip with Toni (Dolphin Mysteries: Unlocking Secrets of Communication)

grizzlys and men

Other: History/Philosophy - Relationship Human/Non-Human
reading 2 (fear of the familiar)

Other: Art Made Together with Non-Human Animals
the man who talks to whales