The audience/user can experience the project in several ways. The primary use is to apply the filters to ones own images and video. The filters can be downloaded as plugins for Photoshop (image manipulation) and final cut pro (video manipulation) or they can be applied to photo sets on the web photo-sharing site Flicker. Another way to experience the project is to use the smart phone augmented reality application, giving the user an instant experience of how an animal sees.
In addition there will be a website where projects made with the filters can be uploaded and shared with an audience.
Filter Plugin
Flickr Interface
iPhone augmented reality
Both the usage of the filters and all the projects created with the filters are a part of the project on a larger scale. The project is thus both a software-art project and a large-scale inexplicit collaboration between all the human users of the filters and the various species they might involve. The audience is on one level the users of the filters, and on another the people who see the images/projects done with the filters.
ZooMorph can be exhibited in a variety of ways. For example by exhibiting the website at an online or offline museum/gallery. Prints of the photographs made by the users can be exhibited together with descriptions of the images/projects. It can also be exhibited as a workshop style installation (something I done before with my "Infome Imager" project) where people can use the filters on photographs they have in their cell phones/cameras/Flickr accounts and print/hang them in the gallery space provided.
The project takes an original approach to content and form. The "content" (or meaning) of the project is partially generated by the way people use and participate in it, and by the way it is distributed. This is true for a several other software art projects (for example "Carnivore" by RSG). However the form of ZooMorph - the way it is experienced and distributed - is original in how it, as a parasite, is using commercial software as a host for the purpose of spreading its message.