Aspects of Vision

Several different aspects of vision are simulated. Depending of the data that exist or can be generated about a species, some of the aspects might not be simulated n all species. Some of the aspects that might be simulated are:

1. Color differentiation
Most mammals are dichromats - they have two different receptors for color. There are some exceptions. Many primates (including humans) are trichromats - they have three color receptors. However many fishes, insects and birds have a vastly superior color vision, with four or more color receptors. Simulating two color receptors could be fairly straight forward mapping form three to two receptors, while simulating more receptors than we have will demand a more creative approach, especially when these receptors have sensitivities in the UV spectrum.

From the scientific perspective color vision is determined primarily by the sensitivity of the retinas cone pigment, but things such as oil droplets needs to be taken into consideration as well in certain species. 

2. Acuity
The project is addressing varying acuity due to the uneven distribution of nerve/receptors in eyes. Humans and some other primates have a very distinct concentration of nerves in the center of the eye, the fovea. Other species also have varying concentrations of nerves. This concentration interestingly enough sometimes match the landscape in which the animal lives. The construction of they eye (single/compound) and the clarity of its lenses etc also determines acuity. 
The project might also address how acuity varies with focus of depth.

3. Light Sensitivity 
The filters will adjust the brightness and contrast of a picture/frame depending on the light conditions at the time the picture was taken (as stored in the Exif data of the image) and the specific light sensitivity of a given species. 

In the scientific paradigm light sensitivity is a product of the sensitivity and density of the rods in the retina and the existence of a tapetum lucidum, tissue in the eye that reflects light back into it (as seen in cats for example).

4. Field of View
The position of the eyes on the head (or other places, as in the case of sea star on the ends of the arms) determines the field of view. To simulate a larger field of view than we have the filters might generate two simulations one for the selected non-human animal and one cropped representing the human field of view.

5. Motion Perception
For the video filters motion perception might be included.

6. Other
As the research progresses other aspects of vision are likely to be added. There are of course many aspects of vision in non-human animals that are very difficult or maybe impossible to simulate, such as the overlap of echolocation sensing and the visual system in Dolphins and polarized light differentiation. But they might still be possible to represent in some way.  

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