By Jessica Oropesa and Dolphin(s)

Started on: 06/09/10 01:16:35
Medium: Visual

The day we went to watch dolphins was definitely a chance of a lifetime. I feel so lucky to have been a part of it. While we were in the middle of the pod, I spent most of the time taking pictures while participating in the movements and sounds that our class had agreed upon. I enjoyed listening to the clicks and whistles that they made as the swam by and tried to make eye contact but it proved difficult at the speeds we were going. I think the most collaborative happening between the dolphins and me was when I was recording video and following one dolphin for as long as I could. I captured almost 2 minutes of one dolphin swimming at the front of the boat. It was a very exciting and humbling moment realizing the beauty of wild dolphins.

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Comment by jrowan (06/10/10 15:12:57):
MEGAPOOOOOOODD!!!!! best day of my life.