Dogs, Rabbits, Sharks, and Marine Invertebrates... OH my!
By Andrea Chase, ho chi leung, Serena Zahler, Dog(s), Marine Invertabrate(s), Rabbit(s) and Shark(s)

Started on: 04/13/10 20:29:57
Medium: Conceptual

Through my discussion with fellow classmate, Serena Zahler, we have come to decide to work with the animals that surround our everyday lives. Through easy to access resources, we are left with quite a collection of animals with which to interact. Although our ideas are not fully conceptualized or planned out by any means here is a loose brainstorm so far. Annie, Serena, and I hope to explore the realm of painting through documenting our 2 dogs playing. Their footsteps are a means to trace, a mean to relate to the dogs in that act of sheer joy and interaction with each other. Serena and I have a somewhat developed idea to act as advocates for the -now- wild rabbits that live in our yard. I have had enough previous interactions with the rabbits, Fredrick and Black Foot, which have compelled us to feel empathy and respect for the beings. In memorial to those rabbits that have fallen and are still alive, Serena and I plan to: make various flyers for those in our lot, build a thatch area for them to play in (or to function as shelter), and build a memorial for the rabbit that has fallen prey to the cars in our parking lot. Our two remaining, and most underdeveloped ideas, involve working with Serena's pet sharks and coral. We have thought about propagating coral, an interactive activity positive to the species development, and watching the interactions between the marine invertebrates unfold over an elapsed amount of time. Serena and I have not fully brainstormed how to interact with the sharks yet.
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