Connie Hwang, Student (ISBER)
Pet: Fish
Coming into my fourth year here at UCSB, I have discovered that my interests lies mainly within print, graphic design, and digital media. However, my interests in animals has begun at a very young age. I love puppies, dogs, and birds, but mainly dogs. I hope to explore visual faacial cues in which we communicate to each other with and the responses in which they produce. The facial cues shared between dogs and humans, and how they interact through simple eye, mouth, eyebrow, nose, and other facial features. There are other ideas such as the clothing in which people put their dogs in, and how the dogs may/may not develop a character within those clothes (in relation to humans).


04/11/06 13:03:25 Face Off
  04/18/06 11:11:12 - Update

04/20/06 23:36:49 Scratch Scratch Revolution... "The Itch Be Gone!!!
  05/08/06 12:05:37 - Snap on buttons
  05/08/06 12:15:34 - Part II / III...
  05/08/06 23:23:27 - Media File
  05/24/06 00:02:28 - A long and overdue update
  05/30/06 12:43:00 - noticable patterns
  05/30/06 13:06:02 - Showing- Product development
  05/30/06 14:51:08 - Doggy daytime routine
  05/30/06 15:04:32 - Doggy daytime routine...continued!
  06/05/06 12:35:48 - Operation Scratch 4: Failure
  06/05/06 12:41:46 - A walk on the beach
  06/22/06 12:17:17 - The end of class exhibition

How To: Art Made Together with Non-Human Animals
Collaborating With Pets You Do Not Own

Comment on 'Slough Adventures -' by

Dancing with Cats

How To: Art Made Together with Non-Human Animals
"Collaborating With Pets You Do Not Own"

Article: Animal Communication
Pet Accupressure By Margaret Loris is The Sunhealer

Website (News): Interspecies Relationships
Gregory Colbert

Website (Academic): Non-Art Interspecies Collaborations
Harry F. Harlow, Monkey Love Experiments

Website (Journal): Non-Art Interspecies Collaborations
More on the ball (title shortened)

Website: Other Related Research
Pet Pressure Points