Reflection: Interspecies Communication
Santa Cruz Island
By Danusia Young (05/26/10 20:13:10)
Related animals: Dragonfly, Fox

Our trip to Santa Cruz Island was a lot of fun. Seeing so many dolphins and whales was something that I will never forget. I went before on the whale watching excursions but I never had luck to see them or interact with them. Seeing them swimming freely was something unforgettable. I completely agree with Tony when she sad that ocean is their home but only our playground. We have to respect that and learn how to interact with them with out taking over their space as we did too many species. The first day on the island was even more exiting; we did see the island foxes. They came very close that was very amazing though we were new humans in their territory. I also tried to collaborate with a beautiful orange dragonfly that was drinking water from one of the pools. After few attempts I was able to sit very close and relax next to my new friend. I felt as the dragonfly was watching me very closely and after looking closely at one of my images I saw his head or rather its big eyes looking in my direction. Maybe we did develop connection during our brake time. I think that we all have to learn how to share our space with other species. I also took the time that we had on the island to sketch and meditate.

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