Encounter with a young seal
By Sara Putman and Seal(s)

Started on: 04/20/10 15:57:01
Medium: Visual

While I was minding my own business on Devereaux beach in Isla Vista with my boyfriend, a baby seal crawled onto the beach. I assumed that it was a seal and not a sea lion because its ear flaps were not visible. The baby seal had not been there when we arrived, and we hadn't noticed it until it was about 10 feet away and directly in front of where we were located. The seal progressively crawled closer and closer to us until it was about 4 feet away. It looked too young to be on its own without a mother, so a couple of people who walked by had called animal rescue to make sure it was going to be alright.
I was surprised at how close the seal had gotten to us because the rest of the beach was practically empty. It also seemed as though the seal had noticed us and looked as though it wanted our help. The seal kept making eye contact with us and after resting for a few moments, crawled close enough for us to interact with, however, we left it alone and eventually moved away so it wouldn't get too close. I had never seen a seal in the wild that close up before and it was difficult to refrain from interacting with it. However, I thought it would be best for the seal to keep its distance from humans in order to protect it from any harm.

visual interaction

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