Intro Exercise

7D Project 3: Network

Due Wednesday Feb 24/Thursday Feb 25

Make a project in any medium that investigates networks. You should map, hack or make a network. The project ideas listed in each category are suggestions; the assignment can be interpreted freely. For inspiration see this weeks slide presentation, it is organized according to the categories below. Your project should be thought of as art, but it can function as art in many different ways, and have any type of message - poetic, personal, aesthetic, political etc. Whatever you choose to do the project should examine a network, an aspect of a network, or networks in general. You and your audience should experience networks or a network in a new way.

The project should be presented in your section on the due date. It should also be documented on a web page. Write a paragraph describing the project and add some illustration/documentation of the project. The project page should be linked from your home page.

Map a Network

• Make a visual or tactile representation of a network (computer, social, biological, conspiratorial etc). You could for example make a drawing, installation, or web based project.

Make a Network

• Connect people with each other that have never been connected before.

• Build a communication device and have people use it

• Orchestrate a situation that in an interesting way connect people and make them aware of their connection.

• Use cell phones to create a network.

• Organize a flash mob that functions in an interesting conceptual way.

• Connect online content such as images, text, video, using frames, iframes, the href tag (links) and the img src tag, in an unpredicted way.
Hack/Intercept/Infiltrate a Network

• Do something unexpected (and interesting) within an online community/network, such as myspace, facebook, linkedIn, flickr, eBay, or within a networked computer game/world such as secondlife or an offline community.

• Propagate misinformation within a network.

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