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CTHEORY is an international journal of theory, technology and culture. Articles, interviews, and key book reviews in contemporary discourse are published weekly as well as theorisations of major "event-scenes" in the mediascape. Edited by Arthur and Marilouise Kroker.

You can also choose to receive CTHEORY via email .


50: Behind the Screen / Russian New Media ,Lev Manovich. (18 September 97)
49: The Web as an Instrument of Power and a Realm of Freedom ,Janez Strehovec. (26 June 97)
48: Captain Kirk Was Never the Original , Alan Shapiro. (26 June 97)
47: We Are All Depraved , Ken Hollings. (4 June 97)
46: Hacking Chinatown , Richard Thieme. (14 May 97)
45: Eating Disorder: The Story of a Shape , Matthew Fuller. (23 April 97)
44: The Cybernetic Delirium of Norbert Wiener , Stephen Pfohl. (30 January 97)
43: Stalking the UFO Meme , Richard Thieme. (16 January 97)
42: Fonts and Phrasing , Alexander Galloway. (12 December 96)
41: Zapatistas: The Recombinant Movie , Ricardo Dominguez. (21 November 96)
40: Where Do Angels Hang in the Cybernet Nineties? , Michael Dartnell. (19 November 96)
39: Bring the Noise: Mega-Tranced Flesh Interference-Patterns , John Noto. (25 September 96)
38: Discovering CyberAntarctic: A Conversation with Knowbotics Research , Paolo Atzori. (13 March 96)
37: Civil Society, Fanaticism, and Digital Reality: A Conversation with Slavoj Zizek , Geert Lovink. (21 February 96)
36: Code Warriors , Arthur and Marilouise Kroker. (7 February 96)
35: Criswell Predicts: Lost Voices from a Forgotten Future, 1956-59 , Ken Hollings. (10 January 96)
34: Transmitting Architecture: The Transphysical City , Marcos Novak. (29 November 95)
33: Plastic Surgery for the Other , Jean Baudrillard. (22 November 95)
32: There is No Software , Friedrich Kittler. (18 October 95)
31: Organized Innocence and War in the New Europe , Geert Lovink. (11 October 95)
30: Speed and Information: Cyberspace Alarm! , Paul Virilio. (27 August 95)
29: Extended-Body: Interview with Stelarc , Paolo Atzori and Kirk Woolford. (6 September 95)
28: Digital Humanism: The Processed World of Marshall McLuhan , Arthur Kroker. (5 July 95)
27: Tokyo Must Be Destroyed , Ken Hollings.
26: Seven Items on the Net , Siegfried Zielinski. (31 May 95)
25: Radical Thought , Jean Baudrillard. (19 April 95)
24: Vivisecting the 90's: An Interview with Jean Baudrillard , Caroline Bayard and Graham Knight. (8 March 95)
Americans Have No Identity, But They Do Have Wonderful Teeth , Jon Epstein.
Cyberwar, God And Television: Interview with Paul Virilio , Louise Wilson.
Digital City, Amsterdam , Shuschen Tan.
European Borders: History Of Space / Space Of History , J. Peter Burgess.
From False Consciousness To Viral Consciousness , Dianne Rothleder.
Gay Life/Queer Art , Fredrick Corey.
Hystericizing the Millennium , Jean Baudrillard.
Infobahn Blues , Robert Adrian.
The Kafka Chronicles Excerpt , Mark Amerika.
Kate Bornstein: A Transgender Transsexual Postmodern Tiresias , Shannon Bell.
The Language Of The Body , Kathy Acker.
Nietzsche at the Mall: Deconstructing the Consumer , Daniel R. White and Gert Hellerick.
No Reprieve For Sarajevo , Jean Baudrillard.
Pataphysics of Year 2000 , Jean Baudrillard.
The Political Economy Of Virtual Reality: Pan-Capitalism , Arthur Kroker and Michael A. Weinstein.
Reversion of History , Jean Baudrillard.
Rise Of The Void Towards The Periphery , Jean Baudrillard.
Stories From The Bloodhut , Cynthia Meier, Kim Lowry, Lori Scheer, Jamie Lantz, Rhonda Hallquist, and Audrey Joy.
Strike Of Events , Jean Baudrillard.
The Technology Of Uselessness , Critical Art Ensemble.
Thawing Of The East , Jean Baudrillard.
Useless Technology , Critical Art Ensemble.
Venus In Microsoft: male mas(s)ochism and cybernetics , Stephen Pfohl.


49: A Week of a Million Bouquets and a Billion People , Arthur and Marilouise Kroker. (7 September 97)
48: Crash Worship , John Noto. (3 September 97)
47: Montreal Pool Room , Arthur and Marilouise Kroker. (30 July 97)
43: A Conjuration of Imbeciles , Jean Baudrillard. (28 May 97)
42: The Digital Prince and The Last Chess Player , David Cook and Arthur Kroker. (20 May 97)
41: Just Another War Story , William Caughey. (15 May 97)
40: Kinko's and The Connection , Klown. (15 April 97)
39: Hyperreal Serbia , Aleksandar Boskovic. (2 April 97)
38: Sophocles in Sarajevo , Marko Zlomislic. (26 March 97)
37: Augustine of Epcot , Daniel R. White. (5 March 97)
36: Washington's Birthday on the Texas Border , Dion Dennis. (17 February 97)
34: Camcorder: Deluxe Titles Suck Optical Coitus , John Noto. (22 January 97)
33: Dreams Engineers Have , Richard Thieme. (5 December 96)
32: Ground Zero: Las Vegas' Luxor , Jeffrey Cass and Dion Dennis. (6 November 96)
31: Global Debt and Parallel Universe , Jean Baudrillard. (16 October 96)
30: Growing Old with Negroponte , David Cook. (9 October 96)
29: It's Smart to be a Dummy , Sandy Baldwin. (12 September 96)
28: Panic Quake Servers , Frank Lantz. (4 September 96)
27: Digital Angels , Arthur and Marilouise Kroker. (4 June 96)
26: Easter Sunday , Arthur and Marilouise Kroker. (4 April 96)
25: Disneyworld Company , Jean Baudrillard. (27 March 96)
24: Citizens, Or... Welfare Recipients? , Christian Barrere. (20 March 96)
23: Dead Dogs and Daddy Under the Christmas Tree , Arthur and Marilouise Kroker. (20 December 95)
22: Run for the Border: The Taco Bell War , R. R. Dominguez. (13 December 95)
21: Deleuze and Guattari: Two Meditations , Arthur Kroker. (16 November 95)
20: The Mohawk Refusal , Arthur Kroker. (25 October 95)
19: Windows on What? , Arthur and Marilouise Kroker. (24 August 95)
18: Slaves of the Cyber-Market: An Interview with Geert Lovink , Arnd Wesemann. (28 June 95)
17: Johnny Mnemonic: The Day Cyberpunk Died , Arthur and Marilouise Kroker. (14 June 95)
16: The 1995 French Presidential Election , David Cook. (7 June 95)
15: Rain Forest: Shakedown , John Noto. (24 May 95)
14: The Triumph of Abuse Value , Michael A. Weinstein. (3 May 95)
13: The Third Right: Hacking the American Way , Marilouise and Arthur Kroker. (22 March 95)
Autopsy Of A Non-Event: The German Election , Dirk vom Lehn.
Catastrophe Field: The LA Quake , David Cook.
Declaration For A Free And Unified Sarajevo , City Assembly of Sarajevo.
Death Is Dead , m-angle-angel.
The Hyper-Texted Body, Or Nietzsche Gets AModem , Arthur Kroker and Michael A. Weinstein.
The Media Gesture Of Data Dandyism , Geert Lovink.
Michael Jordan Mogadishu , Arthur Kroker.
The Murder Trial: Genre Or Event-Scene? , Anita Brenner.
The One Idea System , Ignacio Ramonet.
Speed(racing): Ecstasy And Fascination , Javier Santiago-Lucerna.
Taiwan Data Heaven , Arthur Kroker.
Turkish (Retro-Fascist) Olympics , Michael A. Weinstein.
U/R , Mark A. Lunt.


44: Ephemeral Murmur, Effusive Silence, Elusive Truth , Gerard Martin. (19 September 96)
Kathy Acker, Pussy, King of the Pirates
42: Neutral and Commercial... Just Like Everybody , Howard Slater. (6 March 96)
Sarah Thornton, Club Cultures
41: transUrban Optimism After The Maul Of America , Marcos Novak. (24 January 96)
William J. Mitchell, City Of Bits: Space, Place and the Infobahn
40: The Alchemy of Science , Allen W. Palmer. (9 November 95)
Jennifer Trusted, Physics and Metaphysics: Theories of Space and Time
39: Cut It Out , Klaus Lorenz. (4 October 95)
Francesca Cicchetto, Sadiani Rognoni
38: Queer Cry of Freedom , Michael Dartnell. (13 September 95)
Mark Gevisser and Edwin Cameron, eds., Defiant Desire: Gay and Lesbian Lives in South Africa
36: The Random Access History of Modernity , Richard DeLaurell. (17 May 95)
Roberto Calasso, The Ruin of Kasch
35: Diplomatics , J. Peter Burgess. (10 May 95)
James Der Derian, Antidiplomacy: Spies, Terror, Speed, and War.
34: Dramatising Contradictions , Hannah Vowles & Glyn Banks. (26 April 95)
Ole Bouman & Roemer van Toorn, Editors, The Invisible in Architecture
33: Textual Power , Robert Moskal. (4 April 95)
Gunnar Olsson, Lines of Power/Limits of Language
32: The Gesturing Body Marked for Assimilation by Vanishment , John Noto. (29 March 95)
Alphonso Lingis, Abuses.
Auto-Eulogy For The Citizen-Activist , Richard DeLaurell.
Chantal Mouffe, ed. Dimensions of Radical Democracy: Pluralism, Citizenship, Community
Baudrillard's Remainder , Andrew Wernick.
Jean Baudrillard, The Transparency Of Evil: Essays On Extreme Phenomena
Mike Gane, ed., Baudrillard Live: Selected Interviews
A Cartesian View From Nowhere , Ken Hillis.
Barbara Maria Stafford, Body Criticism: Imaging the Unseen in Enlightenment Art and Medicine
Celebrity As Simulacrum , Deena Weinstein.
Joshua Gamson, Claims To Fame: Celebrity In Contemporary America
The Cinemachine , m-angle-angel.
Steven Shaviro, The Cinematic Body
Describing WritingDescribing , Ellen Zweig.
Alberto Perez-Gomez, Polyphilo, or The Dark Forest Revisited
Detournement For Fun And [Political] Profit , W. Ted Rogers.
Sunil Gupta, ed. Disrupted Borders: An Intervention In Definitions Of Boundaries.
Review: Digitaler Schein , Geert Lovink.
Florian Roetzer, ed., Digitaler Schein, Aesthetik der Electronischen Medien
Draculaland , m-angle-angel.
subREAL, Draculaland
Drug Hysteria: U.S.A. , Critical Art Ensemble.
John Strausbaugh and Donald Blaise, eds., The Drug User: Documents 1840-1960
Farewells To American Culture, Work And Competition , David Cook.
Lester Thurow, Head To Head
Robert B. Reich, The Work Of Nations
John Kenneth Galbraith, The Culture Of Contentment
Farewells To Justice, God, Politics And The European Way , David Cook.
Heinrich Boll, Women In A River Landscape
Albert Camus, The Fall
Friedrich Durrenmatt, The Execution Of Justice
Graham Greene, Dr. Fischer Of Geneva Or The Bomb Party
Feminism and Post (19th Century) History in Eastern Europe , Alexis Gosselin.
Barbara Einhorn, Cinderella Goes to Market: Citizenship, Gender and Women's Movements in East Central Europe
Foucault's Virtual Passion , Hart Murphy.
James Miller, The Passion of Michel Foucault
Fractured Flesh , Ken Hillis.
Scott Bukatman, Terminal Identity: The Virtual Subject in Post-Modern Science Fiction
Review: Hard War/Soft War , Geert Lovink.
Martin Stingelin and Wolfgang Scherer, eds., Hard War/Soft War, Krieg Und Medien
John Rawls: A Calvinist After-Image , Michael A. Weinstein.
John Rawls, Political Liberalism
Review The Last Camus , David Cook.
Albert Camus, Le premier homme
Lenin In Ruins , Alexis Gosselin.
David Remnick, Lenin's Tomb: The Last Days of the Soviet Empire
Live Aronowitz: Dead Theories , David Cook.
Stanley Aronowitz, The Politics of Identity
Stanley Aronowitz, Roll over Beethoven
Stanley Aronowitz, Dead artists: Live theories
Modernity, Postmodernity, Social Marginality , Kenneth Mostern.
Phillip Bryan Harper,Framing the Margins: The Social Logic of Postmodern Culture
Paul Gilroy, The Black Atlantic: Modernity and Double Consciousness
Neither Liberal Nor Communitarian: Feminism, Political Theory, Possibility , Leonard Williams.
Elizabeth Frazer And Nicola Lacey, The Politics Of Community: A Feminist Critique Of The Liberal-Communitarian Debate
Review: On Justifying The Hypothetical Nature Of Art , Geert Lovink.
Robert Fleck, ed., On Justifying The Hypothetical Nature Of Art And The Non-Identicality Within The Object World
A Poet's Eye View Of The Uncommon Market , Tom P. Abeles.
Jacques Darras, Beyond the Tunnel of History
Post Panoptic Mirrored Worlds , Kimberly Anne Sawchuk.
David Gelertner, Mirror Worlds; or the day software puts the universe in a shoe it will happen and what it will mean
Public Policy Of Eugenics , Eileen Manion.
Christine Overall, Human Reproduction: Principles, Practices, Policies
Gwynne Basen, Margrit Eichler, Abby Lippman, eds., Misconceptions: The Social Construction of Choice and the New Reproductive Technologies, Volume One
The Revolution Will Be Televised , W. Ted Rogers.
Richard Stivers, The Culture of Cynicism: American Morality In Decline
RU Wetware?: Television as Cybernetics, Arthur Kroker.
Tony Fry, ed., RUATV? Heidegger And The Televisual
Geert Lovink and Rik Delhaas, eds., Wetware
The Spectacle Of Secrecy , Len Bracken.
Guy Debord, Treatise on Secrets: Commentaires sur la societe du spectacle
Stolen Childhoods Redreamed , Stephen Pfohl.
Kathy Acker, My Mother: Demonology, A Novel
Textual Power , Robert Moskal.
Gunnar Olsson, Lines of Power/Limits of Language
We Go Round and Round in the Night and Are Consumed by Fire , Stephen Pfohl.
Guy Debord, In Girum Imus Nocte Et Consumimurm Igni: a Film
Will The Opposable Thumb Become The Appendix Of The Future? , Tom Abeles.
Kevin Kelly, Out of Control

Global Algorithm

1.13: Emmortality: The Project of a Lifetime , Chris E. Stout. (30 July 96)
1.12: Net Game - An American Dialogue , Michael A. Weinstein and Deena Weinstein. (11 July 96)
1.11: Media Archaeology , Siegfried Zielinski. (11 July 96)
1.10: Deregulation/Globalisation: The Loss of Cultural Diversity? , Bernhard Serexhe. (3 July 96)
1.9: Unstable Networks , Bruce Sterling. (26 June 96)
1.8: Bosnia: Epicycle , John Noto. (19 June 96)
1.7: The Silence of the Lambs: Paul Virilio in Conversation , Carlos Oliveira. (12 June 96)
1.6: Memetic Flesh in Cyber-City , Arthur and Marilouise Kroker. (6 June 96)
1.5: The Nanotech Future: A Digital Conversation with BC Crandall , Arthur and Marilouise Kroker. (5 June 96)
1.4: The Theory of the Virtual Class , Arthur Kroker and Michael A. Weinstein. (29 May 96)
1.3: The Aesthetics of Virtual Worlds: Report From Los Angeles , Lev Manovich. (22 May 96)
1.2: Out There Having Fun in the Warm California Sun , R.U. Sirius. (16 May 96)
1.1: Hypermedia Freedom , Richard Barbrook. (15 May 96)
1.0: The Global Algorithm , Arthur and Marilouise Kroker. (14 May 96)

30 Cyber-Days

1.8: Slash and Burn , Arthur and Marilouise Kroker. (26 April 96)
1.7: 30 Smoke-Free Days in California , Arthur and Marilouise Kroker. (25 April 96)
1.6: The R.U. Sirius Interview: It's Better to be Inspired than Wired , Jon Lebkowsky. (24 April 96)
1.5: Welcome to the (Digital) Neighborhood , Arthur and Marilouise Kroker. (23 April 96)
1.4: Remake Millennium , Arthur and Marilouise Kroker. (22 April 96)
1.3.5: The View from Butte, Montana: A Response to Red's Java House , Pat Munday. (18 April 96)
1.3: Red's Java House , Arthur and Marilouise Kroker. (17 April 96)
1.2: Digital Dustbowl: Squatting On the Dock of the Bay , Arthur and Marilouise Kroker. (16 April 96)
1.1: Yahoo! Capitalism , Arthur and Marilouise Kroker. (15 April 96)

Editors: Arthur and Marilouise Kroker , <>

Editorial Board: Kathy Acker (San Francisco), Jean Baudrillard (Paris), Bruce Sterling (Austin), R.U. Sirius (San Francisco), Siegfried Zielinski (Cologne), Stelarc (Melbourne), Geert Lovink (Amsterdam/Budapest), Lynn Hershman (San Francisco), Stephen Pfohl (Boston), Andrew Ross (New York), David Cook (Toronto), William Leiss (Kingston), Marie-Luise Angerer (Vienna), Hans Mohr (Howe Island), Alberto Perez-Gomez (Montreal), Robert Adrian X (Vienna), Deena Weinstein (Chicago), Michael Weinstein (Chicago), Patrice Riemens (Amsterdam), and Andrew Wernick (Peterborough).

Editorial Correspondents: Ken Hollings (UK), J. Peter Burgess (Norway), Maurice Charland (Canada)

Editorial Assistant: Michael Boyle
Web Editor: Carl Steadman , <>
Multi-Media Editor: Steve Gibson

The disk (DOS/Mac) version of CTHEORY may be ordered from CJPST, Concordia University, 1455 de Maisonneuve, O., Montreal, Canada, H3G 1M8. Institutional orders may be placed through UMI, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Full text available from Canadian Periodical Index/Gale Canada, Toronto.

CTHEORY is indexed in International Political Science Abstracts/Documentation politique international, Sociological Abstract Inc., Advance Bibliography of Contents: Political Science and Government, Canadian Periodical Index, and Film and Literature Index.

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