Barbara Janelle
By Megan Mueller (05/29/14 10:32:03)
I found the experience with Barbara Janelle, the animal communicator, to be fascinating, uncomfortable, and zen inducing. Barbara had a calm energy. She spoke softly but confidently, forcing me to to concentrate to hear what she was saying. Barbara's style and message struck me as an exciting combination of Buddhism and Cesar Milan. She was perceptive and in control of the room.

I was pretty consistently uncomfortable throughout the experience. I found myself judgmental of a particular dog owner's handling of their dog and feeling overwhelmed with my work load. So it was difficult to be present at first, but Barbara quietly demanded presence and participation. She said many wise things that could be applied to literally anything.

During the short break she asked us to find a tree (let it pick us) and place our hands on it. This was my favorite exercise of the experience. Upon placing my hands on the tree, the energy was palpable and give me goose bumps.

Our homework was to communicate with an animal using the things we learned in class. I have been making a point to focus on communicating with my cat Trout. I find that she is generally receptive of the attention and I am a more thoughtful care taker by considering her experience from her scale, position, sensitivity to sound etc. I am noticing more.

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