Other: Interspecies Communication
Human/Dolphin Interaction Through Distance
By Matthew Roy Reeves (05/13/10 18:38:30)
Related animal: Dolphin

Toni Frohoff expanded upon Jim Nollman's Gaia hypothesis through applying the concept to a working model of human/dolphin interaction. Chapter 5 addressed the hypothetical presence of boundaries that ought to exist between humans and dolphins. Chapter 6 delved into various human activities that are relevant to the human/dolphin community.

Can humans discipline their impulse to interact with dolphins? As a species, humans relate to dolphins and desire to be around them. We are drawn to them. Though I have never encountered a dolphin, I know that I would happily approach one in the wild.

Frohoff opposes the natural human impulse to interact with dolphin side of our unique interspecies connection. "I may be two of the only people on the planet who would prefer that dolphins ignored us" (146). She is a professional in the field, and knows the big negatives outweighing the pleasant positives. I will let her experience speak for my considerations.

The Gaia hypothesis defines me as a creature in the human species; as one I must approach dolphins with discipline, and may have to show my desire for communication by intentionally avoiding communication.

Dolphin DREAMTIME (Book) Dolphins in the Wild (Movie) [Write Comment]