Reflection: Animal Communication
Reflection: Barbara's methods for animal connection
By Rachel Visalda (04/26/10 23:54:56)
When Barbara Janell facilitated the exercise to connect and feel what it is to be a particular creature, I didn’t really have a specific animal in mind. As she spoke I let my brain wander and allow for spontaneous thoughts. Immediately I became aware of a sensation of losing my limbs and imagined myself in another form. At first it was difficult- to be honest, I was skeptical of her methods. However, as soon as I latched onto this feeling of no longer being in my own body, I felt the sensation of crawling on the ground, of using my head to lead my movements-I felt what it was to be a snake.

After the exercise, I wondered which snake’s energy I had attempted to tap into, but didn’t think much of it until I got home after class and my roommate announced that she was getting a new baby boa. I’m not saying that it was this boa that I had necessarily connected with, but it is interesting that without effort, I had automatically thought of a snake during the exercise. How convenient that this new animal entered our apartment right after Barbara Janell’s workshop.

On the other hand, I’m still doubtful of some of the exercises that Barbara showed us. Is it simply me projecting my own thoughts? Am I only interpreting the snake’s feelings as a human, as I think they would? Is it just my imagination running away with me?

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