Other: History/Philosophy - Relationship Human/Non-Human
Response on Fear of the Familiar
By Jessica Oropesa (04/22/10 23:48:46)
What I found to be most interesting in this text was the part where the author talks about love and its relationship with the ideas of Postmodern art. Luce Irigaray explains that "one should not have to give up love in order to become wise or learned" (186). The article continues to state that Postmodern art's struggle with the animal is all about distance. There was supposed to be a certain amount of distance between animal and artist for the work to be real or authentic. The article also relates the animal's ability to sometimes sweep the human off into the unfamiliar with love. The account of love and the work of love are concerned with seriousness rather than sentiment, according to Gillian Rose. The Postmodern artist's distance to love is what they pride themselves on, but what critics believe is necessary for true work.

The Postmodern Animal (Book) [Write Comment]