Hello whale
By Rachel Visalda (04/22/10 23:34:49)
One of the most interesting points that Jim Nollman raises is the fact that when working with animals, it's important to deal with them as individuals and not generalize based on species. As humans, we tend to think everything in the world operates the way we think it does, and Nollman brings up a good argument when he explains his views on interspecies communication.
He explains that communication should be more than just passing information; it should stem from an equal standing between those involved. Therefore, real communication can be very difficult, almost impossible, since we have been conditioned to treat animals as lesser than us. Knowing this, we can start by first changing our perception of non-human beings in order to promote more open contact with them.

The Man Who Talks to Whales: the Art of Interspecies Communication (Book) [Write Comment]