Barbara Janelle's workshop
By Kirsten Howard (04/22/10 12:24:15)
I thoroughly enjoyed the animal communication workshop. I found that I could relate to what she was talking about as far as there being a sort of energy in all beings and that with meditation and opening up your consciousness, it can be read and transmitted. I have been practicing what she talked about with animals that I see and with trees that I pass. Just the other day, I was sitting in front of Borders Book Store and there were a lot of this little round birds running around and going in and out of these plants. One approached me and stared at me, and I worked to make a calm, open presence in front of it. I sensed that it wanted me to follow it, so I did, and it hopped up and in between these plants, and in the inside was a circle of space. I felt that the bird was showing me that this was its favorite spot, where it could be safe and surrounded by a circle of flowers. It was as if I was being welcomed into its home.

During the workshop, when she had us go outside and try to connect with a plant or animal, I was drawn to this small yellow flower, and I sat with it and cleared my own self before so that I would know what was mine and what was the flower's feeling. I suddenly felt warm and alive. I also felt a strong pull towards the sun, and had an urge to twist my head over and up to have sunlight on my face, however, it was slightly challenging, as my neck got slightly stiff. And after the experience I felt that the flower was showing me how simple joy is the beauty of life, just opening up and realizing happiness in everyday things.
That made me think about Barbara Janelle said about how animals and plants can teach us things. I think it is really important to learn from them, because they are truly natural and we need to begin practicing a sort of involution, if you will, in order to save the planet, ourselves, and our precious plants and animals.

I read the handout that she gave us after the workshop, and something she said really touched me, "And in my life now, I walk in an expanded world where the Earth is music, trees and grass and flowers speak great wisdom, rocks hold information, the wind connects, oceans heal and renew life, and animals bring insight and humor."

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