Other: History/Philosophy - Relationship Human/Non-Human
Fear of the Familiar
By Serena Zahler (04/18/10 19:14:46)
I found the article's discussion on artist's fear of domesticated animals in their work very interesting. The article explains that artists' fear the sentimentality of the love and partnership with their pets will cause people to not take their artwork seriously. Artists often use explanations like the work is from "direct observation" (181). Artist's also insisting on the pets individuality may show an over-investment in the animal to hold the work's meaning (181). I wonder how this will effect the artwork made in our 130 class? Will viewer's perceive the work made with students' pets as less interesting and take them less seriously than works created with animals found in our surrounding environment? I will definitely consider this pet vs wild animal argument when doing my interespecies collaboration.
I also really enjoyed the work by Olly and Suzi. I think there is something carnal in the way they create work inspired by wild animals and let it be destroyed in honor of the animal subject. I encourage people to look at their website to see more about their work.

The Postmodern Animal (Book) [Write Comment]