Other: Other Related Research
By Shanti Harris (04/30/09 08:04:09)
Related animal: Bobcat

Physical Description:

The Bobcat or "Lynx Rufus" is approximately twice the size of a domestic house cat. The weight of a female bobcat is about 20lbs and 30lbs for males. Their fur ranges in color (brown/grey, reddish/brown) and contains multiple spots and dark lines/patches. It's tail is short with a black tip and bobbed, hence the name "bobcat."


Bobcats rely on their keen sight and hearing senses to capture their prey (rabbits, deer, mice, birds, squirrels, insects, rodents, fish).

Their sense of smell is not as strong as their sight and hearing senses.


They mark their territory with debris, dirt, markings, scratches and their own scents. Caves, rocky shelters, thickets, hollowed logs are used as shelter and protection from weather.

Bobcats are solitary animals and very territorial. Female territory size is about 6 square miles. Female bobcats do not share their territory with one another. Males however, will overlap their territory, which spans about 30 square miles.


1) The hind leg foot-prints of the bobcat lie directly on top of its front feet footprints. Their trail as a result, looks similar to a trail left by a two-legged animal.

2) Bobcats feel their prey with their whiskers, similar to the way other animals sense their environment and food with their fingertips.

3) They cover large prey animals such as deer, with leaves, dirt, tree branches and debris to "store" until they return the next day/night to feed.

4) The bobcat's growl/call sounds similar to that of a mountain lion.

5) In captivity, bobcat's can live to be over 20 years. They live to be about 12 years old in the wild.

6) Bobcats are nocturnal and hunt mostly at night

7) They are great swimmers and enjoy the water more than most feline species.






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