Animal Communication Response 4/21
By Brianna Acuesta, Goat(s) and Rooster(s)

Started on: 04/28/14 13:10:19
Medium: Visual

I actually tried to communicate with several animals this past weekend when I accompanied my dad to a house where he stores a truck of his that also happens to have a few random farm animals. I had the most success with this black goat (I know none of their names), who followed me around for quite some time after I used some communication to lure him in. Since I didn’t know his/her name, I started off by leaning down so I was at their level and kind of reaching out and making eye contact with them. I tried to keep my eyes soft so as to show the goat that I had good intentions. They began to approach me and I stayed still in an attempt to not alarm them. Once they reached me, I began to pet them where their horns should have been and they began to thrash their head around. At first I was alarmed because I thought maybe the goat didn’t like it, but when I pulled my hand away the goat stopped and looked at me and inched closer so that I could pet them again. I did, and they started thrashing around again, at which point I realized it was because they were directing my hand in order to get the best petting out of me. After that we played around for a little bit, and when I would focus on other animals to take pictures of the goat would come up behind me and put his nose on my butt so that I could pay attention to them instead.

Another goat I really wanted to communicate with was a white one that I saw walking around, however they weren’t really interested in communicating in the conventional, hands-on way. They simply evaded my advances and ran behind the horse in an attempt to hide and then when they would emerge they would get close enough to the gate to see me but not let me touch them. I do enjoy the picture I got though.

I also attempted communication with a rooster who was only interested in walking back and forth in front of me, but I almost prefer that the interaction stayed that way because I really feel like he was a simple encompassment of what we believe roosters to be: flashy and proud.

I really enjoyed the experience I had when working with Barbara last week, and it definitely has given me something to think about when working with Mango and trying to help him calm down when he is interacting with other dogs. I recently realized that I have reason to believe that Mango thinks he is more dominant than me because of a few incidents, and so going forward with asserting my dominance will definitely incorporate some of the techniques that Barbara showed me. Also, she was not what I expected when I thought of an animal communicator coming in. I pictured more of a trainer I suppose, but what I saw in her was someone with a deep respect for nature and all living beings, and it was very relaxing and grounding. I thoroughly enjoyed having Barbara visit.

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