My Dog Snowbo, Project Ideas x3
By ho chi leung and Dog(s)

Started on: 04/21/10 22:34:48
Medium: Visual

Drawing from his tail (a failed project, video will be uploaded)

I set my dog up so he would draw by his tail. I first put some paint on the paper that he sitting, and some other paint on the hair of his tail. Then, I tried to make him excited and shake his tail, such as using my high pitch voice to talk to him and giving him treats etc. However, I see this project was not successful, because my dog knew he was being set up to do something, so he was not excited at all. Anyways, I still have a painting by that because he slightly walked on the paper, and his hair from his tail and feet somehow painted a little bit on the paper.

Pee Mapping**

My dog always pees around when I take him to a walk. I am going to walk my dog a pen and paper, and try to sketch our route with dots that symbolize his peeing spots. And at the same time, I will have him wearing the video camera, and the video camera will capture our route, and show us what my dog sees and what are the spots that most likely my dog would choose. And my sketches of the routes will be rough because I do not want the sketches to be specific. However, I will take records of the routes on Google earth. I think the sketches will be interesting because I will be the one who choose the route of the walk, while my dog will choose the spots that he wants to pee; so the sketches combine both of our choices on different subjects.

Tail plays the music

When my dog is happy, he always shakes his tail. When the tail shakes and hits on something, it makes sounds. So in this project, I want play with his tail and make music out of it. However, I think this project will be a little bit challenging, because I will need to measure up the spaces between his tail and the object that for his tail to hit on. Moreover, I will also need to consider about his mood and emotion. Sometimes, if my dog knows I am making him to do something, he gets to be less excited and his tail will not shake. Hence, I will need to figure out some tricks and ideas that will make him excited at the moment when the project starts.

Drawing from his tail

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Project Updates
06/04/10 00:17:17 - Video Updated: SNOWBO Tail 's Drawing Project

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