Colin Phipps


0: colin phipps;cached pages similar;html re;com;debian;archives
1: the;for;and to;of;fixed linux version;prboom with
2: the;or with;levels to;of;and;this;but for
3: crashes netscape re;bug sec;com;message;colin in neohapsis
4: and;re;news passwords router story;in;next thread;reply
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6: hi re;the;reply;is of security;colin in phipps
7: are security;hazard rw unused vt's;re;it reply;colin
8: re;creation file insecure temporary;in;debian to;colin phipps
9: telnet;anyone to using;re;the;colin phipps;and benson
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11: debian;audititing tool;re;and;from the;to;you;christian
12: sdl;in re;makefiles;bad irix says;snapshot source;message
13: in;sdl;re;bad irix makefiles says;snapshot source;reply
14: date;bug thread;as by colin it next prev;cgi
15: to;bug the wrapper;not re;does fakeroot handle it